Saturday, September 20, 2008

Quiz Time 2!

Hi students,

Please continue with your revision:

1. What did the Chinese farmers build to prevent flooding along Yellow River?

2. Who was the Han official who overthrow the throne and declared himself emperor in 9 CE?

3. What is a civil war?

4. Who was the group of farmers who led a rebellion in ancient China?

Good luck,
Mr Syed


Anonymous said...

Q1.The Chinese famer build dykes to prevent the flooding.
Q2.Wang Mang.
Q3.It mean the war that is fought internally.

From: Chong Wan Yi(02)

Anonymous said...

Hi Wan Yi,

Thanks for trying...

Just to correct you for questions 3 & 4.

For Q3, it is war that is fought among the different groups of people within an empire and kingdom.

For Q4, the answer is Red Eyebrows.

Best regards,
Mr Syed

Anonymous said...

Q1. The chinese farmers began building dykes to prevent flooding along the Yangtze River.

Q2.The Han official who overthrow the throne and declared himself emperor in 9 CE is Wang Mang.

Q3.Civil War is fighting between the different feudal states broke out.

Q4.The group of farmers who led a rebellion in ancient China is the Red eyebrows.

From Gabriel yeo(21)

Anonymous said...

Q1:The chinese farmers build dykes to maintain the water.
Q2:It was wang mang.
Q3:A civil war is war between different feudal states broke out.
Q4:It is Red Eyebrows.

Jasmin Er said...

Q1:They build dykes.
Q2:Wang mang.
Q3: war that are fight with th same kingdom.
Q4:Red eyebrowns

Anonymous said...

Q1)Dykes was build to prevent flooding.

Q2)Wang Mang.

Q3)Civil war is a war fought between differnt groups of people of the same country.

Q4)Red eyebrows.
