Friday, September 19, 2008

Quiz Time 1!

Hi Sec 1A1 to 1A4 students,

Once you've revised textbook pages 144-155, try attempting the following quiz questions:

1. Name two natural disasters in ancient India and explain how they caused danger to Indian civilisations?

2. What was the early Aryan city that had evidence of destructions when flooding took place along the Ganges River?

3. What is the book written during Mauryan period encouraging all Indian kings to help the people during a famine?

4. Explain what is diplomacy?

Good luck,
Mr Syed


Anonymous said...

Q1.Earthquakes & Floods.
Q2.Indus Cities.
Q4.Some rulers preferred to have good relationship with the ruler of other kingdoms.
From: Chong Wan Yi (02)

Anonymous said...

Q1.Floods and Famines

Q2.The early Aryan city that had evidence of destructions when flooding took place along the Ganges River was the Indus River.

Q3.The book written during Mauryan period encouraging all Indian kings to help the people during a famines is Arthashatra.

Q4.Some rulers preferred to have good relationship with the ruler of other kingdoms.

From: Gabriel yeo (21)

Anonymous said...

1. Floods and Famines.

2. archaeological evidence shows that Indus cities were rebuilt several times.

3.The textbook is called ARTHASHASTRA.

4. To have good relationships with the rulers of other kingdoms, to support and trade relations they formed would benefit their kingdoms.

Anonymous said...

Mr Syed,I just want to try this questions for revision ;D

Q1)India experince natural disasters such as Floods & Famines. Floods destroys homes & crops, & drown animals & people.Due to flood,Indus Valley cities had to be rebuilt several times.Famines is a period of severe food shortage.It usually occurs after a drought,a peroid of little or no rain. Without rain, crops die,resulting in a food shortage.It also can be cause by a flood because the water washed all the crops & plants.

Q2)Excavations at Hastinapur, an early Aryan city, show that a part of the city was washed away when the Ganges River flood.


Q4)Diplomacy refers to building good relations with other countries or kingdoms.Some rulers preferred to have good relations with rulers of other kingdoms because friendship,support,trade relations they formed would benefit their kingdoms.
