Friday, August 8, 2008

Holiday Assignment for 1E1 - Chapter 8

Hi 1E1 students,

As promised, this is your GRADED holiday assignment. You have up to Wed 13 Aug 2008 to submit your posting!

1. Firstly, please ensure that you have read through Chapter 8: Contact & Interaction. I've already went through the overall summary of the chapter and all of you should have read the rest during your free period (as instructed by Mr Simon).

2. For the posting, please submit an individual response (with your full name & register no) on the 4 ways the ancient society have maintained contact and interaction with one another. Please use specific examples from ancient India & ancient China to support your explanation.

Spice route used by travellers to Ancient India

Silk Road used by travellers across Ancient China

3. I also wish to see the class responding to one another's posting. For e.g, you can either agree or disagree with your classmate's view and hence support it with your views as well :)

Good luck,
Mr Syed

ps To all my academic classes, you do not need to do posting for this one as this chapter is only meant for the Express students. For Normal Academic stream - we only need to finish Chapters 9 & 10!


Anonymous said...

For ancient India, Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. These proof that the Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have.

In ancient India, overland trades were very difficult and dangerous. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes.

When they travel,they travel with large amount of people like 500 people and brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

Maritime trade in ancient India, came from borrowing ideas from the Mesopotamians(Present-Day Iraq)as some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians which is an older civilisation. The evidence was that the seals used by both Mesopotamians and Ancient India are found to be similar.

Territorial expansion means war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth.Example would be like Alexander The Great who invaded India and his brief invasion created long term consequences for India.

Diplomacy means building good relations with other countries.
Alexander The Great 's governer sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.

Anonymous said...

In india, Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. These proof that the Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have.

Overland trades were very difficult and dangerous. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes.

Because of this dangers,most traders travel with large amount of people like 500 people and brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

In ancient India, Maritime Trade come from borrowing ideas from the mesopotamians.As a result of interaction between the Indus people and the Mesopotamians,some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians which is an older civilisation. The evidence was that the seals used by both Mesopotamians and Ancient India are found to be similar.

In the ancient China,Admiral Zheng He exchanged gifes with the rulers of these kingdoms,persuaded them to give tribute to the Chinese emperor and brought back animals like giraffe,which could not be found in China..

And i agree with what samantha said too....

See Hui Yee said...

In ancient India,there are different types of contact and interaction.Trade was one way people from different civilisations came into contact with one-another.There are also different kinds of trades such as,:overland trade, maritime trade, territorial expansion and diplomacy.Ancient India used to exchange goods they produce for goods they did not have.

Overland Trade were very difficult and dangerous.There were no proper roads.Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes.Traders continued to use overland routes until as late as the 18th century CE.

Maritime trade is conducted by traders who travel by sea.They trade with people in Mesopotamia.As a result of the interaction between the Indus people and the Mesopotamians,some archaeologist think that Indus people might borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians.This is because the seals were found to be similar.

Territorial Expansion is a war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth.The Sanskrit language and the other features of the Aryan culture,such as religion and the caste system,gradually spread to all parts of India.

Diplomacy is a way of interaction that bulids good relations with other countries.The Mauryan and gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that were located outside India.

See Hui Yee(14)

Anonymous said...

In ancient India, archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. These show that the Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have.

In the ancient India, overland travels were both very difficult and dangerous. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes. Thus,
most of the traders travelled in groups of 500 men and they bought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

In ancient india, maritime trade came from borrowing ideas from the Mesopotamians. The Indus people used sail boats to travel along the coast of Persia(present-day Iran), Arabia and India. The evidence is that this trade can be seen in Indus seals and weights that have been found.

However, some archaeologists thinks that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from Mesopotamians. The evidence is that the seals used by Mesopotamians and Indus people were found to be the same.

Territorial expansion means the war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth. Example is that Alexander the Great conquered the Indus Valley and his brief invasion had long-term consequences for India.

Diplomacy means building good relations with other countries. Example is that Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes as representatives to reside at Pataliputra.

Tew Shi Ting May(18)

Anonymous said...

Ancient Indian
-Overland trade
Historians believe that the Indus people traded with people from other parts of India as early as 4000 years ago because they discovered copper tools and cotton cloth from the Indus valley. Archaeologists have also found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus valley.These evidence proves that Indus people exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have.

Overland trade were both difficult and dangerous in ancient India as there were no proper roads. Traders had to follow rough paths through junglesthat were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes and thus, most traders travelled in groups of as many as 500 men because of these dangers and brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

-Maritime Trade
Indus people used sail boats to travel along the coasts of Persia to trade with the people in Mesopotamia. Evidence of this trade can be seen in the Indus seals and weights that have been found in present-day of Iraq.Goods from Mesopotamia like silver have been discovered at archaeological sites in the Indus valley. Near the Indus valley, archaeologists found an ancient port, with docks for ships to load and unload their goods.
Some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seal to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians because their seals were found to be similar.

-Territorial Expansion
The Indus valley was conquered by Alexander the Great in 326BCE. Direct trade contacts between India and the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea were established.

Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.

Done by: Germaine Ng (5)

Anonymous said...

Ancient India :

People discovered copper tools and cotton cloth from the Indus Valley.Thus, historians believed that the Indus people traded with people from other parts of India as early as 4000 years ago. On the contrary, archaeologists have also found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley.These were evidence that the Indus people used to exchange goods they originally produced for the goods they did no have.

There were no proper roads and the traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes resulting the overland travels to be difficult and dangerous too.Most traders had to travel in groups of as many as 500 men to prevent those dangers.Similarly, they brought hundreds of animals like oxen, mules and camels along with them.

Overland trade routes covering the whole of India had been established.Overland trade routes were built between India and the Middle East.Traders continued to use overland routes until as late as the 18th century CE.As a result of trade, towns along these routes grew and prospered as well.The town of Jaisalmer, which was founded in 1156 Ce, prospered from the traffic resulting from overland trade.

Around 2500 BCE, the Indus people then travelled by sea to trade with the people in Mesopotamia which is present-day Iraq.They also used to sail to travel along the coasts of Persia which is now present-day Iran, Arabia and also India.Indus seals and weights that have been found in present-day Iraq are used as evidence of that trade.Similarly, goods from Mesopotamia like silver have been discovered at archaeological sites in the Indus Valley.The archaeologists have found an ancient port with docks for ships to load and unload their goos near the Indus Valley.The interaction between the Indus people and the Mesopotamians resulted in the archaeologists to think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from an older civilisation, the Mesopotamians.This was due to the similarity of their seals.

The discovery of monsoons meant that the Indian traders could sail directly across the oceans to their trading destinations, instead of following the coastlines like they used to.

By making use of the southwest monsoon which blew across the Indian Ocean towards India from April to October, ships were able to sail directly from East Africa,Arabia and the Persian Gulf across to India.

Return voyages from India could be made during the northeast monsoon, which occurs between November and March.During this period, the winds blew in the opposite direction, thus carrying traders back to where they came from.

Traders preferred to travel by sea instead because the direct sea routes across the Indian Ocean were much faster and more reliable than the old sea routes along the coasts of Arabia, Persia and India.The sea routes were also safer than the overland trade routes.

The definition of territorial expansion is war of conquest by ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth.For example, when the Aryans moved to the Ganges Plains, they introduced their culture to the Indus people.Other foreign invaders also brought new ideas to ancient India.Although Alexander the great was in India for only five short years,His brief invasion had long-term consequences for India.His invasion also caused chaos and disorder in the northern part of India.

Diplomacy on the other hand defines building good relations with other countries.The Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations wiht kingdoms and empires that were located outside India.For example, the governor of Alexander the Great sent an ambassador named Megathenes to reside at Pataliputra.Other kings also sent their ambassadors, which were their court officials, to other kingdoms as representatives.It is from Megasthenes' writings that historians have learned much about the early Mauryan empire.

Sng Yu Qing (15) 1E1

Anonymous said...

Overland trade in ancient India---
People believe Indus people traded with people from the other parts of India as Archaeologists have found goods from the other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timbar near the Indus valley. So this shows that Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have. Overland travels were difficult and dangerous because there were no proper roads. Traders must follow rough paths through forests that were inhabitated by wild animals. Most traders therefore travelled in groups because of such dangers.

Maritime trade in ancient India---
used sail boats to travel along the coasts of Perisia, Arabia and India. Evidence of this trade can be seen in the Indus seals and weights that have been found in present-day Iraq. A result of interaction between the Indus people and Mesopotamians, were because their seals were found to be similar.

Territorial Expansion---
Foreign invaders brought new ideas to ancient India. Examples like Alexander the Great, his brief invasion created a long-term consequences for India. Alexander's invasion created great chaos and disorder to the northern part of India. Second, direct trade contacts between India and eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea were established. Through trade, Greek styles of art were introduced to Indain artist.

Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires. An example is, Alexander's governors sent an ambassador to reside at Pataliputra. The ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.

Vivien Lee Sze Hwee(21)1E1

Anonymous said...

Overland trade: It is both difficult and dangerous. Because of this, traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes as there is no proper roads. Because of such dangers, the traders travel in group of 500 men and brought hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

Maritime trade: The Indus People travelled by sea to trade with the people (present-day Iraq)and they used sail boats to travel along coasts of Persia (present-day Iran), Arabia and India. Evidence of this trade can be seen in the Indus seals and weights that have found in modern Iraq.

Territorial Expansion: The term means war of conquest by a ruler of a country. Alexander the Great invaded India and his brief invasion had long-term consequences for India.

Diplomacy: The term means good relations with other country. Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassordors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representives.

Kok Jim Meng (33),1E1
Greendale Secondary School

Anonymous said...

The discovery of foreign goods have caused historians to believe that the Indus people traded goods for ones they did not have as they did not use money in the olden days. Copper tools, pearls and cotton cloth are examples of said goods they exchanged.

As there were no proper roads, it made travelling a hard task, therefore overland trade was a tedious and hazardous job to do. Travellers moved in groups of around 500 people at a time. Becuase of these dangers, they often brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels. They sometimes "pick up" other people along the way.

The Indus people used sail boats to travel along the coasts of Persia(present-day Iran), Arabia and India. As they come into contact and interaction with other people, they talk, exchange ideas and establish friendship among each other. An example of such is when the Indus people followed the lead of the Mesopotamians(present-day Iraq-ians) who made use of seals to mark their goods.

Through contact and interaction, people have learnt from others for their own benefit. We too, have benefitted from the trials and errors of the pasr people. Perhaps people will learn from our mistakes.

-Khairina Sha Amalina (6)

Anonymous said...

Ancient India:

In the Indus Valley, people discovered copper tools and cotton cloth. Archaeologists also found goods such as pearls, coral, and hard timber. These are the evidence that they used to exchange goods they produced for goods that they did not have

Overland trades were difficult and dangerous as there were no proper roads. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles. Inside the jungles, live with many wild animals and fierce tribes. Therefore, most of the traders travelled in big groups of as many as 500men. They also brought hundreds of oxen, mules and camels with them.

The idea of maritime trade in ancient india was borrowed from the Mesopotamians [ present-day Iraq ]. Some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians which ia an older civilisation. The evidence was both Mesopotamians and Ancient India used seals to mark their goods

Foreign invaders brought new ideas to ancient India. Alexander the Great, his brief invasion created a long-term consequences for Ancient India. Alexander's invasion created great chaos and disorder to the northern part of India. Direct trade contacts between Ancient India and eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea were established. Through trading, Greek styles of art were introduced to Indain artist.

Diplomacy is a way of interaction that builds up good relationship with other countries. The Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that were located outside India

Ancient China:

During the 2nd century BCE, China began to take part in trade along the Silk Road. That was also a period of time that ancient Chinese come into contact with more foreigners. Chinese emperors discouraged chinese from interacting with foreigners. They were afraid that the foreigners would introduce ideas that will cause threat to Confucian values such as respect for authority. Therefor, for many centuries, Chinese emperors banned Chinese from travelling outside the empire.

Maritime trade was developed after overland. There ws an increase in demand for foreign products. The Song government actively encouraged trade with foreigners and allowed Chinese to trade overseas in order to meet the demand and to collect taxes that were placed on foreign goods brought into China.

Under energetic emperors like HanWudi, military conquests extended Chinese control westward into Central Asia, northward into Manchuria and Korea, and into the south and southwest China and northern Vietnam. These conquests brought Chinese into contact with the rest of the world for the time. Trade contacts started with India and Rome through the Silk Road.

Chinese emperors and their officials came up with tribute system. According to the rules of this practice, foreigners must visit the emperor every few years, where they kneeled in front of him as a show of respect. Thay had to bring gifts for the emperor so in return the emperor would give them presents and allow them to trade along silk road.

-Vanessa Lim ( 11 )
-1E1 (=

Anonymous said...

Overland Trade: Overland travels were both difficult and dangerous. Because of this, traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes as there were no proper roads. Because of such dangers, the traders travel in group of 500 men and brought hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

Maritime Trade: Indus people traveled by sea to trade. They used silk boats to travel along the coasts of Persia, Arabia and India.

Territorial Expansion: When foreign invaders bought new ideas to ancient India. Direct trade contacts between India and the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea were established.

Diplomacy: One of Alexander’s governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.

Daniel Ng Han Rong(26) 1E1

Anonymous said...

Overland trade in ancient India---
People believe Indus people traded with people from the other parts of India as Archaeologists have found goods from the other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timbar near the Indus valley. So this shows that Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have. Overland travels were difficult and dangerous because there were no proper roads. Traders must follow rough paths through forests that were inhabitated by wild animals. Most traders therefore travelled in groups because of such dangers.
Maritime Trade
They sail boats to travel along the coasts of Persia,Araba and India.Evidence of this trade can be seen in the Indus seals and weights that have been found in present-day of Iraq.Goods from Mesopotamia like silver have been discovered at archaeological sites in the Indus valley. Near the Indus valley, archaeologists found an ancient port, with docks for ships to load and unload their goods.Some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seal to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians because their seals were found to be similar.
Territorial Expansion
The Indus was then conqured bby Alexander the Great and direct trade contacts between India and the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea were established.
Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.

Priscilla Foo(13)


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

There are 4 different ways of contact and interaction and they are over land trade , maritime trade , territorial expansion and lastly diplomacy .
overland trade: as early as 4000 years ago , the Indus people traded with people from other parts of India . This can be supported by the discovery of goods from the Indus valley such as copper tools and cotton cloth in other parts of ancient India . Archaeologists have also found goods from other parts of India such as pearls , coral and hard timber near the Indus valley. This showed that the Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have . Overland trade was dangerous and difficult as there were no proper roads . And so , traders had t o follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes . Because of this dangers , most traders traveled in groups as many as 500 man . they brought oxen , mules and even camels .

Maritime trade: this trade in India , came from ideas borrowed from, Mesopotamians(present day IRAQ ).They used sail boats to travel along Persia( present day Iran ) ,Arabia and India . i can prove this is true as it can be seen in the Indus seals and weights that have been found in present day Iraq .

Territorial expansion: example of territorial expansion is that when Aryans move to Ganges plains they introduced their culture to the Indus people. and so the people of ancient India got to know about Sanskrit.

Diplomacy:example is of Alexander The Great 's governer sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.

overland trade: trade travelled through land from a place to another far place
maritime trade: trade over sea from one place to another far place
territorial expansion:land expansion of a kingdom when the king rules over another place
diplomacy:having a agreement to not fight of two kingdoms or two kingdoms having peace with each other and not fighting .


Anonymous said...

Overland Trade:
In india, Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. These proof that the Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have.Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes.Because of this dangers,most traders travel with large amount of people like 500 people and brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

Maritime Trade:

Maritime trade in ancient India, came from borrowing ideas from the Mesopotamians(Present-Day Iraq)as some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians which is an older civilisation. The evidence was that the seals used by both Mesopotamians and Ancient India are found to be similar.

Territorial Expansion:
Territorial expansion means the war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth.Eg;Alexander the Great conquered the Indus Valley and his brief invasion had long-term consequences for India.

Diplomacy means building good relations with other countries. Example is that Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes as representatives to reside at Pataliputra.

Olivia Lim(12)

Anonymous said...

Overland Trade

Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber neaar the Indus valley. This have proven that the Indus people produced goods to exchange for the goods that they did not have.

The overland travels were both difficult and dangerous as there were no proper roads. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles which were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes. Because of these dangers, most traders travelled in groups up to 500 men due to these dangers and they will brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules, and camels.

Maritime Trade

The Indus people travelled by sea to trade with the people in Mesopotamia (present-day of Iraq). This is evident as the Indus trade seals and weight have been found in present-day Iraq. Similarly, goods from Mesopotamia like sliver have been discovered at archaeological sites in the Indus valley. Near the Indus valley, archaeologists have found an ancient port, with docks for ships to load and unload their goods.

As a result of the interaction between the Indus people and the Mesopotamians, some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians, an older civilisation. This is because their seals were found to be similar

Territorial Expansion

Territorial Expansion means to conquer and expand his kingdom to obtain more wealth and power. An example of this would be like Alexander the Great, whose brief invasion created long term consequences for India.


Diplomacy is the negotiations between representatives of groups or states.
Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra.

YeapZhong (42)

Anonymous said...

Ancient India......................
Overland Trade-
As early as 4000 years ago, goods such as pearls, coral and hard timber were traded by Indus people with other traders from other parts of India. This is called Overland Trades. Overland travels were difficult and dangerous as there were no proper roads. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and tribes. Because of this, traders often travel in groups. They also brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels. Overland trade routes covering the whole of India had been established, even between India and the Middle East, by the time of Mauryan dynasty (c. 322-185 BCE). Rulers of the Mauryan and Gupta dynasties made sure that these roads were kept in good condition so that travelling would be as comfortable as possible. Overland routes were used until the 18th century CE. Eventually, towns along these routes grew and prospered. An example is the town of Jaisalmer, founded in 1156 CE. It prospered from the traffic resulting from overland trade.

Maritime Trade-
Around 2500 BCE, the Indus people used sailed boats to travel along the coasts of Iran, Arabia and India, to trade with the people in Iraq. This is called Maritime Trade. Traders prefer to travel by sea as it is much faster and safer than overland trade. Indus seals and weights which have been found in Iraq supported evidence of this trade.
Goods from Iraq like sliver are found at archaelogical sites in the Indus Valley. Near the Indus Valley, archaelogists also found an ancient port, with docks for ships to load and unload their goods. Seals from the Mesopotamians are the same as the Indus people. So, archaelogists think that the Indus people might have copiedthe idea of using seals to mark their goods from the people of Iraq. In the 1st century CE, monsoons are discovered. This led to an increase in trade between India and other civilisation such as Rome, China and Southeast Asia. However, people are being robbed by pirates during their journeys.

Territorial Expansion-
Territorial Expansion means a war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth. An example would be Alexander the Great. He conquered the Indus Valley in 326 BCE for only five years, but his brief invasion had long-term consequences for India. His invasion also created chaos and disorder in the northern part of India. Thus, Chandragupta Maurya was able to overthrow the king of Magadha and establish the Mauryan empire and dynasty.

Diplomacy means to build good relations with other countries. The Mauryan and Gupta rulers had good relations with kingdoms and empires that were located outside India. One example, one of Alexander the Great's governors sent a court offical named Magasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. It is from Magasthenes' writings that historians have learned much about the early Mauryan empire.

Anonymous said...

Overland Trade

About 4000 years ago, Indus people traded with people from others part of India. The goods found from the Indus Valley show that the Indus people used to exchange goods the produce for goods they did not have.

At that time , overland trades were very difficult and dangerous. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes.They traveled in large groups with hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

Maritime Trade

In the past, the Indus people travelled by sea to trade with people in Mesopotamia. They travelled by sail boats to trade. Indus seals and weights found in Iraq shows that there are trades around the area.

Territorial Expansion

To have more wealth, rulers and their armies waged wars on other kingdom to control more lands and trade routes.An example will be the Indus Valley conquered by Alexander the Great.


Having good relationship with other countries also help to interact one kingdom to another. An example will be Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador to reside at Pataliputra.

Lim Xin Ying ( 10 )

Anonymous said...

Ancient India
-Overland Trade
Ancient Indians discovered cotton cloth and copper tools from Indus Valley and pearls,coral and hard timber from other parts of India near Indus Valley. But Ancient Indians will need to trade for the development of the towns and cities.

Overland travels were dangerous and it is wasting lots of resources and time. It is dangerous as traders were have to walk on rough pahts facing wild animals and fierce tribes. Because all of these dangers, traders would travelled in groups of as many as 500 men.

-Maritime Trade
Ancient India also travel to sea for trading. Traders much prefered to trade by sea as it is much faster and safer. Around 2500 BCE, the Indus people then travelled by sea to trade with the people in Mesopotamia which is present-day Iraq.They also used to sail to travel along the coasts of Persia which is now present-day Iran, Arabia and also India. As they come into contact and interaction with other people, they talk, exchange ideas and establish friendship among each other. An example of such is when the Indus people followed the lead of the Mesopotamians(present-day Iraq-ians) who made use of seals to mark their goods.

-Territorial Expansion
Territorial Expansion is a war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth.The Sanskrit language and the other features of the Aryan culture,such as religion and the caste system,gradually spread to all parts of India.


Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires. An example is, Alexander's governors sent an ambassador to reside at Pataliputra. The ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.
Another example: Megasthenes had described a group of Indians as having snake-like legs and no nostrils. This show that the ancient people somethimes had biased views of another civilisation.

Clifton Choo(24) 1E1

Anonymous said...

Ancient India

Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. These show that the Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have.

Overland travels were both difficult and dangerous. There were no proper roads. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that wew inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes. Because of such dangers, most traders travelled in groups of as many as 500 men.

Maritime trade is the Indus people travelled by sea to trade with people in Mesopotamia. They used sail boats to travel along the coasts of Persia, Arabia and India.
As a result of the interaction between the Indus people and the Mesopotamians, some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idead of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians, an older civilisation. This is beacause their seals were found to be similar.

Territorial expansion.
When the Aryans moved to the Ganges Plains, they introduced their culture to the Indus people. Other foreign invaders also brought new ideas to ancient India. Throught trade, Greek styles of art were introduced to Indian Artiests, who incorporated them to produce works that combined both Greek and Indian styles of art.

The Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that were located outseide India. Megesthenes had described a group of Indians as having snake-like legs and no nostrails. We can deduce that the ancient people sometimes had biased views of other civilisations.

Wong Li Ling(22) 1E1

Anonymous said...

Historians believe that 4000 years ago in ancient india, there were trading of items among the people from different parts of the country. It is evident because there was a discovery of goods from the Indus Valley such as copper tools and cotton cloth in these places. Archaeologists have also found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. These shows that the Indus people used to trade goods among themselves.

The overland travels were difficult and risky. There were no proper roads. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes. To lower the risk, the traders travelled in groups of as many as 500 men and brought hundreds of oxen, mules and camels along.

Maritime trade is whereby the people travel by water to trade with Mesopotamia people. They used sail boats to travel along the coasts of Persia, Arabia and India. This trade can be seen in the Indus seals and weights that have been found in present-day Iraq. Goods from Mesopotamia like silver have been discovered in the Indus Valley too.

Due to the result if the interaction between them, archaeologists think that the Indus people borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians. This is because their seals were found to be similar.

Territorial Expansion is where the ruler conqueor other country by war to expand his kingdom. For exmaple, the Indus Valley was conquered by Alexander the Great for five years. His brief invasion had long-term consequences for India.

Diplomacy is the rulers build good relation ships with other countries near them. One of the example is one of Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives. It is from Megasthenes's writings that historians have learned much about the early Mauryan empire.

Anonymous said...

Overland trade:
Back then overland trade were very difficult and dangerous.Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes.But the Indians still did the trading as they needed it for the development of the towns and cities.

Maritime trade:
The Indus People travelled by sea to trade with the people (present-day Iraq)and used sail boats to travel along coasts of Persia (present-day Iran), Arabia and India.
Example,Indus people used sail boats to travel along the coasts of Persia to trade with the people in Mesopotamia. Evidence of this trade can be seen in the Indus seals and weights that have been found in present-day of Iraq

Territorial Expansion:
The term means war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth.
Examples like Alexander the Great, his brief invasion created a long-term consequences for India. Alexander's invasion created great chaos and disorder to the northern part of India.

The term means building good relations with other country.
For example, the Mauryan and gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that were located outside India.

kum li hua (8)

Anonymous said...

Ancient India

Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber.This suggests that the Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have.

Overland trade were very dangerous & difficult as there was no proper road.Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals & fierce tribes.Due to all this dangers, traders usually travel in groups of about 500 people.they also brought with them hundreds of oxen , mules & camels.

Maritime trade they used sail boats to travel along the coast of Persia , Arabia & India .Evidence of this trade can be seen in the Indus seals & weights that have been found in present-day Iraq. Archaeologists have found an ancient port, with docks for ships to load & unload their goods.

Territorial expansion is wear the rulers fight wars of conquest to expand the size of the kingdom & obtain more wealth.(e.g Alexander the great)

Diplomacy means building good relations with other countries

Ancient China

Overland trade routes between ancient china & other ancient civilisations developed from the
2nd century BCE,when China begin to take part in trade along Slik Road.When ancient Chinese began to come into contact with more foreigners,Chinese emperors discouraged their people from interacting with foreigners because they were worried that thr foreigners would introduce ideas that will threaten Confucian values such as respect for authority.So Chinese emperors banned their people from travelling.

Maritime trade developed after overland trade.Durind Song dynasty, there was an increase in demand of foreign products.In order to meet this demands & to collect taxes that were placed on foreign goods brought into China, the governnment actively encouraged trade with foreigners& allow the Chinese to trade overseas.They also made effort to welcome foreign trades.

The gretaest territorial expansion occured durinq Han dynasty after the unification of China,Qin dynasty.Han Wudi,the emperor of Han dynasty, extended Chinese control westward into Centrak Asia , northward into Manchuria & Korea, & into the south & southwest china & northern Vietnam.

In diplomacy,Chinese emperors & their officials came up with what is known as tribute system.According to the rules, foreigners must visit the emperor every few years, where they kneeled down of the emperor to show respect & they must also bring gifts for the emperor.In return, the emperor will give them presents & grant them permission to trade along the Slik Road.


Anonymous said...

In ancient India,there are different types of way for contact and interaction and trade was one of the way which people from different civilisations came into contact with one another.There are a different kinds of trades such as,overland trade, maritime trade, territorial expansion and diplomacy

Overland Trade were very difficult and dangerous as there were no proper roads.So traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that may have wild,fierce animals.Therefore, most traders travelled in groups of as many as 500 men because of these dangers and brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

Maritime Trade is by trading by the sea.They uses silk boat to travel along the coast of Persia,Araba and India.

Diplomacy is building a good relations with other countries.An example of this is Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes as representatives to reside at Pataliputra.

Territorial Expansion means a war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth. An example of this is Alexander the Great. He conquered the Indus Valley in 326 BCE for only five years, however his brief invasion had long-term consequences for India. His invasion created chaos and disorder in the northern part of India.

Anonymous said...

Ancient India :
Overland Trade

At 4000 years ago the Indus people traded with people from other parts of india. Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley.This shows that Indus people used to exchange goods they produced for goods they did not have. Overland trades are difficult and dangerous as there are no proper roads and traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes. They always brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camel.

Maritime Trade

Maritime Trade is which the Indus people travelled by sea to trade with the people in Mesopotamia(present-day Iran), Arabia and India. Goods from Mesopotamia like silver have been discovered at archaeological sites in the Indus Valley. Near the Indus vally, archaeologist have found an ancient port , with docks for ships to load and unload their goods.

Territorial Expansion

When the Aryans moved to the Ganges Plains, they introduced their culture to the Indus People. In 326 BCE, the Indus valley was conquered by Alexander the Great. Alenxander's invasion had long-term consequences for India. First, Alexander's invasion created chaos and disorder in the northen part of India. Second, direct trade contacts between India and the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea were established. Through trade, Greek styles of art were introduced to Indian artists.


The Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that were located outside India. For example, one of Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Megasthenes had described a group of Indians as having snake-like legs and no nostrils. Thus, we can deduce that the ancient people sometimes had biased views of other civilisations.

Ancient China
Overland Trade

It was onli then that the ancient Chinese began to come into contact with more foreigners when China began to take part in trade along the Silk Road. They were worried that the foreigners would introduce idea that would threaten Confucian values such as respect for authority. So, for so many centuries, Chinese emperors banned their people from travelling outside the empire.

Maritime Trade

To meet a demand for foreign products, and to collect taxes that were placed on foreign good brought into China, the Song government actively encouraged trade with foreigners and allowed the Chinese to trade overseas.

Naval Expeditions

One of greatest Chinese maritime travellers was Admiral Zheng He. Heled seven expeditions to Southeast Asia, Ceylon, India, Persia, Arabia and east Africa. Zheng He exchanged gifts with the rulers of these kingdoms, persuaded them to give tribute to the Chinese emperor and brought back animals like giraffe, which could not be found in China.

Territorial Expansion

Under energetic emperors like Han wudi, military conquests extended Chinese control westward into Central Asia, northward into Machuria and Korea, and into the south and southwest China and northern Vietnam. Trade contacts were established with India and Rome via the Silk Road. So, the territorial expansion happened when there is the Silk Road.


In the Ancient China, the Chinese emperors and their officials came up with what is known as the tribute system. During this practice, foreigners must visit the emperor every few years, where they kneeled in front of him as a show of respect. They must give to emperor gifts so that the emperor would give them presents and allow them to trade along the Silk Road.

Koh Jun Hui (32)

Anonymous said...

The 4 ways the ancient society have maintained contact and interaction with one another is that they are over land trade, maritime trade, territorial expansion and of course diplomacy.

In Overland Trade: As early as 4000 years ago, the Indus people traded with people from other parts of India. They had also found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. Overland travels were both difficult and dangerous. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungle, so they traveled in groups as many as 500 men as they face dangers. During the time they traveled, they brought hundreds of oxen, mules and camels with them.

Next is the Maritime Trade.

In Maritime Trade: This is a trade that is conducted by traders who travel by sea to trade with people in Mesopotamia. They used sail boats to travel along the coasts of Persia, Arabia and India. And also, an ancient port, with docks for ship to load and unload with their goods was found near the Indus Valley. This result in the interaction between the Indus people and Mesopotamians and their seals were found to be similar which lead to archaeologists to think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from Mesopotamians.

Next is the Territorial Expansion.

In Territorial Expansion: Territorial Expansion is where the ruler conquers other countries by war to expand his kingdom. The Sanskrit language and the other features of the Aryan culture, such as religion and the caste system, gradually spread to all parts of India.

Lastly, its Diplomacy.

In Diplomacy: Rulers build good relationships with other countries near them. One of the examples is that some governors of Alexandra the Great sent an ambassador named Metatheses to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives. It is from Megasthenes's writings that historians have learned much about the early Mauryan Empire.

Chan Kah May (o2) 1E1 (:

Anonymous said...


The ancient India has maintained contact and interaction with one another by having 4 type of ways, which is, overland trade, maritime trade, territorial expansion & the other kind of interaction is diplomacy.
The archaeologists have found goods from others part of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. These show us that the Indus people used to exchange goods from other traders to get the goods that they did not have.

Overland trade

Overland trades were both dangerous and difficult, there were no proper road so the traders had to follow the rough paths through jungles that have wild animals and fierce tribes. Therefore, most traders travelled in-groups of many as 500men. Thus, they bought with them hundreds of oxen, mules & camels.

Maritime trade

The Indus People travelled by sea to trade with the people in Mesopotamia and they used sail boats to travel along coasts of Persia, Arabia and India. Evidence of this trade can be seen in the Indus seals and weights that have found in modern Iraq.

Territorial expansion

This term means war of conquest by a ruler of a country. Alexander (the Great invaded India) and his brief invasion had long-term consequences for India.


The term means good relations with other country. Alexander the Great governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Ambassordors were court officials who were sent by kings to other kingdoms as their country representives.

shaojie (39)

Anonymous said...


Indus people used to exchange goods they can produced for goods that they cannot produced.One of the example is the archaeologists found goods such as pearls, coral and hard timber from other parts of India near the Indus Valley.

Overland travels were very dangerous and hard because there were no proper roads for the traders to walk on.So they had to walk jungles that had a lot of wild and fierce animals that may eat them up.That is why most of the traders travelled in a group of 500 people and brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.

By the time of Mauryan and Gupta dynasty, the rulers made sure that the roads for the traders must be clean and keep in good condition in order for the traders to travel as comfortable as possible.There were even routes between India and Middle East for the traders travelled on.

Overland Trade stop at about 18th century CE.Towns were formed at the side of the roads.


About 2500 BCE, the Indus people started to travel by sea instead of overland trade.They travlled by sail boats.The Indus people always trade with the people in Mesopotamia.Because of this, the archaeologists think that Indus might have borrowed the idea using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians.


The Aryans introduced their culture to the Indus people when they moved to the Gnages Plains c. 1500 BCE.Some of the foreign invaders also got introduced new ideas to them.


Megasthenes, one of the court officials, was sent to reside at Pataliputra.

Yam Jing Zhi (41)

Anonymous said...

~Ancient India~

In the Indus Valley, people discovered copper tools and
cotton clothing. Archaeologists also found goods such as pearls,
coral and hard timber from other parts of India. That caused
historians to believe that the Indus people traded goods for
ones they did not have.It also proves that they did not have
money in the past, since they exchanged instead of simply buying.

~> Overland Trade

As there was practically zero proper routes, it made travelling
an extremely hard task.It is also quite dangerous as traders
have to walk on rough paths in the jungles. Inside the jungles,
there are wild animals and fierce tribes that are likely to attack the traders.
Since overland travelling is dangerous and tedious,travellers had to move in groups
of 500 people at least and also, they bring along hundreds of mules, oxen and camels.
They sometimes bring along other people on the way.

~>Maritime Trade

The idea of maritime trade in ancient india was borrowed from the
Mesopotamians (it was around 2500 BCE) which is now known as present
day Iraq.(i think...)They used sail-boats to travel along the coasts
of Persia (now known as present day Iran), Arabia and India.Since
contact and interaction with other people, they talk to each other,
they exchange ideas, and thus, establish a friendship between one another.
A good example is when when the Indus people borrowed the idea of using seals
from Mesopotamians(now known as present-day Iraq-ians) to mark their goods.

Traders like to travel by sea more than overland trade routes as the direct
sea routes across the Indian Ocean were much faster and also much more reliable
than the old sea routes along the coasts of Arabia, Persia and India.Not to
mention that it is also less dangerous.

~>Territorial Expansion

The definition of territorial expansion is a war of conquest by a ruler
to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth.Foreign invaders
brought new ideas to ancient India. For example, when the Aryans moved to the Ganges
Plains, they introduced their culture to the Indus people. Also,
although Alexander the Great was in India for only five short years, his brief
invasion created a long-term consequences, chaos and disorder to ancient India.
When direct trade contacts between Ancient India and eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea
were established, Greek styles of art were introduced to Indain artists.


Diplomacy is a way of interaction that builds up good relationship with other countries.
The Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that
were located outside India.For example, Alexander's gorverners sent an ambassador named
Megathenes to reside at Pataliputra. The ambassador is were court officials sent by their kings to other
countries to (hopefully..) make good relations.Also, thanks to Megasthenes' writings, historians
have learned alot about the early Mauryan empire.

As we can see, through contact and interaction, people who learn from other people's
mistakes and good points has many benefits.

Khay Xin Ning (7) 1E1

Anonymous said...


Overland trade:China took part in the trade along the silk road. I t was only then that the ancient Chinese began contact with forgeigners.

Maritime trade:During the Song dynasty, there was an increase in demand for forgein products. To meet this demand and collect taxes that were placed on forgein goods brought into China,the Song government actively encouraged trade with forgeiners and allowed the Chinese to trade overseas.

Territorial expansion:Trade contacts were established with India and Rome via the Silk Road.The Silk Road brought cultural changes to China.

Diplomacy:Chinese emporors and their officials came up with what is known as the tribute system.This prictice is where forgeiners must visit the emporors every few years, where thay kneeled down in front of him to show a respect.They had to bring gifts for the emperor too.In return, the emperor would give them presents and allow them to trade along Silk Road.

Daniel Ng Han Rong(26) 1E1

Anonymous said...

In Ancient India, there are 4 kinds of contact and interaction, they are known as Overland Trade, Maritime Trade, Territorial Expansion and lastly Diplomacy.

- Overland Trade.
Overland travels were very dangerous and difficult as there were no proper roads. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were filled with wild animals and fierce tribes. These dangers caused them to travel in large group, which is as large as 500 men.

-Maritime Trade.
The idea of maritime trade in ancient India was borrowed from the Mesopotamians Indus people traveled by sea to trade. They used silk boats to travel along the coasts of Persia, Arabia and India.

-Territorial Expansion.
Territorial expansion means war of conquest by a ruler to enlarge the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth. For example, Alexandra the Great invaded India and his brief invasion created long term consequences for India. Not only, the people of Ancient India also learnt and got a chance to know about Sanskrit.

This is one of a way of interacting that builds up good relationship with other countries. The governor of Alexander the Great sent an ambassador named Metatheses to reside at Pataliputra. Other kings also sent their ambassadors, which were their court officials, to other kingdoms as representatives.

Michelle Tan Hui Shi (16)

Anonymous said...

Ancient China
-Overland Trade
Overland trade routes between ancient China and other ancient civilisations developed from the 2nd century BCE. One of the routes is the Silk Road which is mentioned on the textbook pg132&133. But trade on the Silk Road was generally discouraged as the Chinese emperors were worried that the foreigners would introduced ideas that would threaten Confucian values such as respect for authority.
Example of overland trade:
The Silk Road, or Silk Routes, refers to an extensive interconnected network of trade routes across the Asian continent connecting East, South and Western Asia with the Mediterranean world, including North Africa and Europe.

The silk road enabled people to transport trade goods, especially luxuries such as silk, satins, musk and many others from different parts of the world in China, India, and Asia Minor to the Mediterranean, extending over 8,000 km (5,000 miles). Trade on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of China, Egypt, Persia, Arabia, India, Rome, and Byzantium and helped to lay the foundations for the modern world in several respects.

-Maritime Trade
Maritime trade was developed after overland trade and the Song government strongly encouraged trade with foreigners and allowed the Chinese to trade overseas.
Example for maritime trade:
Maritime trade routes were important in linking the East and the West, and ports such as Guangzhou in the south and Quanzhou in the east thrived during the Song (960 -1279), Yuan (1271-1368), Ming (1368 -1644) and early Qing (1644 -1911) dynasties, leading to the flourishment of Chinese export ceramics.

-Territorial Expansion
There is a great territorial expansion occured during the Han dynasty. Under the energetic emperors like Han Wudi, military conquests extended Chinese control westward into Central Asia, northward into Manchuria and Korea, and into the south and southwest China and northen Vietnam. These conquests brought the Chinese into contact with the rest of the world for the time.

The ancient Chinese believed that their civilisation was the most advanced and that people from other civilisations should show respect to the Chinese emperor. Thus, Chinese emperors and their officials came out with tribute system which foreigners must visit the emperors every few years with gifts which shows a form of respect.

Clifton Choo(24) 1E1

Anonymous said...

In ancient times, there were four ways the ancient society could contact and interact with each other. These are Overland Trade, Maritime Trade, Territorial Expansion, and Diplomacy.

First of all, I would like to explain about Overland Trade. In ancient India, about 4000years ago, Indus people already started to trade with people from other parts of India. For a supporting evidence, Archaeologists found goods form Indus valley. They found other goods like pearls near the Indus valley.

For China, they started to trade by using the Silk Road. Chinese people then started to interact with foreigners, This ocurred around 2nd century CE.

However, it was very hard and difficult to travel by land to interact with each other. Sometimes they had to face jungle and there were wild animals and fierce tribes. So people started to travel by sea.

Actually Maritime Trade started at a similiar time with Overland Trade. People used ships and boats to travel around to trade. In ancient India, around 2500 BCE, Indus people started to trade with Mesopotamia(present-day Iraq). For a supporting evidence, Indus goods were found in present-day Iraq.

For China, Maritime Trade started after Ovenland Trade begun. During the Song dynasty, more taxes were required for foreign goods to be brought, so the government encouraged them to come and trade more. People started to go and trade with people in Southasia during the Ming dynasty.

Thirdly, there is Territorial expansion. It is a way when invaders come and invade a society for its own good. In ancient India, Alexander the great invaded India and made a disorder in India.
Eventhough the invasion was short, it left long-term consequences.

For China, the Han dynasty is the best example. Han Wudi invaded Central asia, Machuria, Korea, and Vietnam. It made a big influence as they adopted Confucianism.

Lastly, there is Diplomacy. It is a way to interact with each other in a peaceful way. In ancient India, Alexander the Great sent a ambassador to hve diplomatic relationship with India. The ambassador arived at Pataliputra.

For China, they wanted foreigners to come and visit them every year. The foreigners had to knell down and show respect to the Chinese Emperor.

Shin Dong Hee(38)

Anonymous said...

Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of the India.
The Indus people used to exchanqe goods they produced for goods they did not have.
Overland trade were both difficult and dangerous. Because of this, traders had to follow rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes as there were no proper roads. Because of such dangers, the traders travel in group of 500 men and brought hundreds of oxen, mules and camels.Ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.
Indus people traveled by sea to trade. They also silk boats to travel along the coasts of Persia, Arabia and India.

Anonymous said...

Ancient India .

Overland Trade were diffcult and dangerous. The traders had to follow rough paths through jungles, inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes. Because of these dangers, most traders travelled in groups as many as 500men. There were also overland trade rulers of the Mauryan and Gupta dynasties and the traders continued to use overland routes until as late as the 18th century CE.

Maritime Trade came from the borrowing ideas from the Mesopotamians. The Indus people travelled by sea to trade also, They used silk boats to travel along the coasts of Persia, Arabia and India.

Territorial Expansion means the war of conquest by a ruler to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth. In 326 BCE , the Indus valley was conquered by Alexander the Great.

Diplomacy means way of interaction that bulids good relations with other countries and the Mauryan and gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that were located outside India.


Anonymous said...

Ancient India
Overland trade:Archaeologists have also found goods from other parts of India such as pearls,coral and hard timbernear the Indus Valley.these prooft that the Indus people used to exchange goos they produced for ggods they did not have.Overland trade were both difficult and dangerours.Traders had to follw rough paths through jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes.Most traders travel in a large amount like 500 people and bought with them hundreds of oxen,mules and camels.

Maritime Trade:It is conducted by traders who travel by sea.They trade with people in Mesopotamia.As a result of the interaction between the Indus people and the Mesopotamians,some archaeologist think that Indus people might borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians.This is because the seals were found to be similar.

Territorial Expansion:The term means war of conquest by a ruler of a country. Alexander the Great invaded India and his brief invasion had long-term consequences for India.

Diplomacy:Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires. An example is, Alexander's governors sent an ambassador to reside at Pataliputra. The ambassadors were court officials sent by kings to other kingdoms as representatives.
Another example: Megasthenes had described a group of Indians as having snake-like legs and no nostrils. This show that the ancient people somethimes had biased views of another civilisation.

Ancient India

Maritime Trade:To meet this demand and to collect taxes that were placed on foreign goods brought into China,the Song government actively encouraged trade with foreigners and allowed the Chinese to trade overseas.Over the years,the Chinese communties in these places grew.Some of the overseas Chinese grew rich through their business and soon became known as risk-takers and entrepreneurs.

Naval Expeditions:Admiral zheng He led seven expeditions to Southeast Asia,Ceylon,India,Persia,Arabia andeast Africa.Although he conducted some trade,the most important purpose of his voyages was to form friendships with countries on the maritime treade routes that had long been ued by Chinese traders.

Territoral Expansion:The Silk Road brought cultural changes to China.Similarly,Chinese culture spread to Japan,Korea and Vietnam and had a deep andpermanent influence on those countries.

Diplomacy:According to the rules of tribute system,foreigners mustvisit the emperor every few years,where they kneeled in front of him as a show of respect.They had to bring gifts for the emperor too.In return,the emperors would give them presents and allow them to trade along the Silk Road.Moreover,they knew that as long as they respected the Chinese emperor,they would be left alone to manage their own kingdoms.

Ong Yong Tat(36)

Anonymous said...

Overland Trade Of Ancient India:
Archaeologists have found goods from other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus valley. It has proven that the Indus exchanged their goods for goods that they do not have.

The overland travels were both difficult and dangerous as there were no proper roads. Traders had to follow rough paths through jungles which were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes. Because of these dangers, most traders travelled in big groups consisting of men due to these dangers. They will bring hundreds of oxen, mules, and camels with them.

Maritime Trade

The Indus people travelled by sea to trade with the people in Mesopotamia (present-day of Iraq). Indus trade seals and weight have been found in present-day Iraq as evidence that they travelled and traded by the sea. Silver have been discovered at archaeological sites in the Indus valley. Archaeologists have found an ancient port near the Indus Valley, with docks for ships to load and unload their goods.

As a result of the interaction between the Indus people and the Mesopotamians, some archaeologists think that the Indus people might have borrowed the idea of using seals to mark their goods from the Mesopotamians, an older civilisation. This is because their seals were found to be similar

Territorial Expansion

Territorial Expansion means to conquer and expand his kingdom to obtain more wealth and power. An example of this would be like Alexander the Great, whose brief invasion created long term consequences for India.


Diplomacy is the negotiations between representatives of groups or states.
Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra.

Shaik Muhd.Farhan 1E1

Anonymous said...

Ancient India

In the Indus Valley, people discovered copper tools and
cotton clothing. Archaeologists also found goods such as pearls,
coral and hard timber from other parts of India. That caused
historians to believe that the Indus people traded goods for
ones they did not have.

Overland Trade

As there was practically zero proper routes, it made travelling
an extremely hard task.It is also quite dangerous as traders
have to walk on rough paths in the jungles. Inside the jungles,
there are wild animals and fierce tribes that are likely to attack the traders.
Since overland travelling is dangerous and tedious,travellers had to move in groups
of 500 people at least and also, they bring along hundreds of mules, oxen and camels.
They sometimes bring along other people on the way.

Maritime Trade

The idea of maritime trade in ancient india was borrowed from the
Mesopotamians (c.2500 BCE) which is now known as present
day Iraq.They used sail-boats to travel along the coasts
of Persia, Arabia and India.Since
contact and interaction with other people, they talk to each other,
they exchange ideas, and thus, establish a friendship between one another.
A good example is when when the Indus people borrowed the idea of using seals
from Mesopotamians mark their goods.

Traders like to travel by sea more than overland trade routes as the direct
sea routes across the Indian Ocean were much faster and also much more reliable
than the old sea routes along the coasts of Arabia, Persia and India.Not to
mention that it is also less dangerous.

>Territorial Expansion

The definition of territorial expansion is a war of conquest by a ruler
to increase the size of his kingdom and to obtain more wealth.Foreign invaders
brought new ideas to ancient India. For example, when the Aryans moved to the Ganges
Plains, they introduced their culture to the Indus people. Also,
although Alexander the Great was in India for only five short years, his brief
invasion created a long-term consequences, chaos and disorder to ancient India.
When direct trade contacts between Ancient India and eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea
were established, Greek styles of art were introduced to Indain artists.


Diplomacy is a way of interaction that builds up good relationship with other countries.
The Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that
were located outside India.For example, Alexander's gorverners sent an ambassador named
Megathenes to reside at Pataliputra. The ambassador is were court officials sent by their kings to other
countries to make good relations.Also, thanks to Megasthenes' writings, historians
have learned alot about the early Mauryan empire.

As we can see, through contact and interaction, people who learn from other people's
mistakes and good points has many benefits.

Jacelyn Ang (1) :D

Anonymous said...

At about 4000 years ago, the Indus people traded with people from other parts of india. Archaeologists have found goods from the other parts of India such as pearls, coral and hard timber near the Indus Valley. This shows that Indus people in the past are used to exchange for goods that they don't have. Overland trades are difficult and dangerous as there are no proper roads and traders they had to follow rough paths through the jungles that were inhabited by wild animals and fierce tribes. They always brought with them hundreds of oxen, mules and camel.

Maritime Trade

Maritime Trade is which the Indus people travelled by sea to trade with the people in Mesopotamia(present-day Iran), Arabia and India. Goods like silver have been discovered at archaeological sites in the Indus Valley. Near the Indus vally, archaeologist have found an ancient port with docks for ships to load and unload their goods.

Territorial Expansion

When the Aryans moved to the Ganges Plains, they introduced their culture to the Indus People. In 326 BCE, the Indus valley was conquered by Alexander the Great. Alenxander's invasion had long-term consequences for India. First, Alexander's invasion created chaos and disorder in the northen part of India. Second, direct trade contacts between India and the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea were established. Through trade, Greek styles of art were introduced to Indian artists.


The Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires that were located outside India. For example, one of Alexander the Great's governors sent an ambassador named Megasthenes to reside at Pataliputra. Megasthenes had described a group of Indians as having snake-like legs and no nostrils. Thus, we can deduce that the ancient people sometimes had biased views of other civilisations.

Chen xiaobin ;D(3) 1E1

Anonymous said...

In Ancient China,there was 4 kinds of contect and interaction which is included Overland Trade,Maritime Trade,Territorial Expansion and Diplomacy.

-Overland Trade
Overland trade routes between ancient China and other ancient civilisations developed from the 2nd century BCE.Trade on the Silk Road was generally discouraged as the Chinese emperors were worried that the foreigners would introduced ideas that would threaten Confucian values such as respect for authority.
The silk road enabled people to transport trade goods, especially luxuries such as silk, satins, musk and many others from different parts of the world in China, India, and Asia Minor to the Mediterranean, extending over 8,000 km (5,000 miles). Trade on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of China, Egypt, Persia, Arabia, India, Rome, and Byzantium and helped to lay the foundations for the modern world in several respects.

-Maritime Trade
Maritime trade was developed after overland trade and the Song government strongly encouraged trade with foreigners and allowed the Chinese to trade overseas.

-Territorial Expansion
There is a great territorial expansion occured during the Han dynasty. Under the energetic emperors like Han Wudi, military conquests extended Chinese control westward into Central Asia, northward into Manchuria and Korea, and into the south and southwest China and northen Vietnam. These conquests brought the Chinese into contact with the rest of the world for the time.

The ancient Chinese believed that their civilisation was the most advanced and that people from other civilisations should show respect to the Chinese emperor. Thus, Chinese emperors and their officials came out with tribute system which foreigners must visit the emperors every few years with gifts which shows a form of respect.