Saturday, August 9, 2008

Chap 9: Internal Threats

To all Normal Academic students,

Most classes have already started on Chapter 9: Internal Threats.

Since there is no school till Monday, please read up on Chapter 9 and do online research on internal threats.

Do not forget to quote examples from ancient China and ancient India.

All the best!

Mr Syed


Anonymous said...

Hi there Mr.Syed,
How have you been?
Thanks for the information on INTERNAL THREATS.
.Ancient India:1.Natural disasters(floods & famines),2.Warfare& Rebellion.
.Ancient China:1.Natural disasters(flood & famines),2.Civil Wars& 3.Rebellion(peasant[farmers]& military).
.Ancient Southeast Asia:1.Natural disasters(floods&famines),2.Succession disputes,3.Warfare&Rebellion&4.Piracy.

Thanks for the info. once again.

Anonymous said...

Beside facing the internal threats such as natural disasters and civil wars,the people of ancient India,China and Southeast Asia also faced dangers that came from outside the kingdom or empire.These external threats usualy came in the form of foreign invasions.Foreign invasion or territorial expansion was another kind of interaction between people of different civilisations.Without advanced technologies,it was nearly impossible for the people of ancient India,China and Southeast Asia to protect themselves from extenal threats.Foreign invasions could not always be avoided and people suffered when their kingdoms or empires were invaded.

Cheryl Lim Jia Ying(7)

Anonymous said...

Hi,Mr syed this are my answers Ancinet india has many natrual disaastersand floods or rebellion ancient china has almost the same thing but thier rebellion are all from peopel like soldiers and poeple who work at farms Southeast asia also have natrual disasters and also with rebbelion and war Tham Wei Heng(32)

Anonymous said...

Ancient China:
For instance, the ancient Chinese had an emperor, while we have a democracy. And they chose to find leaders through the examination system, where we use interviews and job experience too.

Ancient India:
Elephanta Cave One way to think about India is as the center of the Eurasian continent, placed midway between East and West. You might ask the children to find which things about India come from the west (large-scale stone sculpture, Indo-European language, alphabetic writing), and which things come from the east (chickens, chess, paper, silk). Or, they could discuss what things India passed to the west (chess, paper, "Arabic" numerals, cotton, bananas) and what things India passed to the east (large-scale stone sculpture, Buddhism, cotton).

Another way to think of India is to compare Indian stories like the Ramayana with stories they know better. Which story elements are the same? Which are different?

Or you could discuss the caste system - what would it be like to be born into a particular caste? Who would like this system? Who would not like it? How would a system like that get started? Is there anything like that in American society?

Finally, please check out our brand-new this year section on Indian architecture - hard to find anywhere else! A good way to use this would be to do a timeline of Greek and Roman and medieval architecture along with Indian architecture and see what things are happening where - first buildings? first stone roofs? first religious buildings? Or, compare Indian architecture to Indian history on a timeline.

Yong Rui Xing(19)

Anonymous said...

To Rui Xing, Wei Heng & Jia Ying (1A3) - Great work!

Keep it up and encourage your other classmates to post their comments as well :)

Mr Syed

Anonymous said...

hi Mr syed!this are my answer.External threats are natural disasters and civil wars.Without advanced technologies,it was almost impossible for the people of ancient India,China and Southeast Asia to protect themselves from these threats.

Anonymous said...

Brahminism, Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism all developed here in a series of kingdoms and empires. The Gupta dynasty ruled over north India, during a golden age of about two hundred years (320-544 A.D). In the 600s, the Indus River Valley was invaded by Arabs, who brought Islam with them, and it took hold in northern India, leading to many changes in the future course of the history of India.

The Sultanate of Delhi was established in 1206, starting a period in the history of India when the ruler from the throne at Delhi was considered very important. The Sultanate managed to withstand repeated Mongol invasions and eventually succeeded in bringing together nearly all of India (with the exception of some of the southern states). But the Sultanate of Delhi was weakened by the stresses of internal rebellion, particularly when combined with the attack of Timur Leng (Tamerlane) in 1398. In 1526, Babur established the Mughal Empire, whose culture thrived under Akbar the Great. Threats to the Mughal Empire from Maratha and Rajput forces were compounded by the encroaching interests of the European powers, who came to India after Vasco de Gama discovered a sea route to India in 1498. This discovery opened another chapter in the history of India.

Gabriel yeo zi cong (21)

Anonymous said...

India Threats : Some kindengarden drop out 18yr old Pakistani youth running around New Delhi with Ak-47, or our weakness as an Indian?Today the biggest threat to Indian security is internal. With forces from the outside trying to polarize and fragment the society.

Since 1971 Pak initiated operation TOPAC. With the objective to divide India into smaller states that could later be conquered. Other foriegn nations have been supporting this objective as well. Local politicains and the congress party in General used the method of dividing communities to get votes. This still is the most effective way to get elected in India!

Ancinet China threats : NAtural Disasters ( Earth quake , Floods,Heavy storms.)

Darryl Chiam Choon Kai(20)

Anonymous said...

Ancient india

Brahminism, Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism all developed here in a series of kingdoms and empires. The Gupta dynasty ruled over north India, during a golden age of about two hundred years (320-544 A.D). In the 600s, the Indus River Valley was invaded by Arabs, who brought Islam with them, and it took hold in northern India, leading to many changes in the future course of the history of India.

The Sultanate of Delhi was established in 1206, starting a period in the history of India when the ruler from the throne at Delhi was considered very important. The Sultanate managed to withstand repeated Mongol invasions and eventually succeeded in bringing together nearly all of India (with the exception of some of the southern states). But the Sultanate of Delhi was weakened by the stresses of internal rebellion, particularly when combined with the attack of Timur Leng (Tamerlane) in 1398. In 1526, Babur established the Mughal Empire, whose culture thrived under Akbar the Great. Threats to the Mughal Empire from Maratha and Rajput forces were compounded by the encroaching interests of the European powers, who came to India after Vasco de Gama discovered a sea route to India in 1498. This discovery opened another chapter in the history of India.

British rule in India began in the AD 1700s. Foreign domination engendered Indian nationalism, which eventually led to India winning its independence in 1947, and the beginning of the history of India as a democratic and independent nation. Split from Pakistan at independence, India struggled with its Muslim neighbor over border differences and Hindu-Muslim relations. India and Pakistan still conflict over the Jammu and Kashmir region, parts of which are also occupied by China. The history of India reflects its the regional diversity, cultural heritage and the unifying forces that have made India the secular and pluralistic nation that it is today.

Gabriel yeo zi cong

Anonymous said...

The people of ancient india,china and southeast asia faced many threats.The threats came in two main forms -internal and external.Internal threats refer to possible dangers that come form within a kingdom or an empire.They could be in the form of natural disasters such as widespread diseases,earthquakes or floods,or man made events like civil wars.

exampls of internal threats from ancient india: such as floods & famines and warfare & rebellion

ancient china:floods,famines,civil wars,peasant and military rebellion

lastly,ancient southeast asia:volcanic eruptions,succession disputes,warfare & rebellion and piracy.

Lim Jia Ying( 1A3)

Anonymous said...

External threats are natural disasters and civil wars.Without advanced technologies,it was almost impossible for the people of ancient India,China and Southeast Asia to protect themselves from these threats.

Joshua s/o Kovilpillai(22)

Anonymous said...

The period between the 3rd century and 6th century CE is known as the Golden Age of India because of the large achievements Indians made in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, science, religion and philosophy during the Gupta Empire. The decimal numeral system, including the concept of zero, was invented in India during this period. The peace and prosperity created under leadership of Guptas enabled the pursuit of scientific and artistic endeavors in India. The Golden Age in India came to an end when the Hunas invaded the Gupta Empire in the 6th century CE. Also it was started by a ruler named Chandragupta II.

This period of Chinese history, from roughly 600-1600 C.E., is a period of stunning development in China. From the Tang (discussed in the unit on the Tang Dynasty) through the "pre-modern" commercial and urban development of the Song, ca. 1000, to the Ming voyages of exploration (1405- 1433) with ships that reach the coast of Africa. (The achievements of China under the Song are the subject of Marco Polo's "fantastic" reports when he journeys to China under the Mongols, who rule in China for eighty-nine years (1279- 1368) as the Yuan dynasty, between the Song and Ming.)

The Song dynasty (960-1279) follows the Tang (618-906) and the two together constitute what is often called "China's Golden Age."

Done By:Chong Wan Yi(2) 1A3

Anonymous said...

Internal threats refer to possible dangers that come from within a kingdom or an empire.They could be in the form of natural disasters such as widespread diseases , earthquakes or floods , or man-made events like civil wars.

Tan Rou Hui (17),

Anonymous said...

Internal threats refer to possible dangers that come from within a kingdom or an empire. They could be form of natural disasters such as widespread diseases, earthquakes or floods, or man-made events like civil wars.

Cheryl Lim Xue Ting (08)

Anonymous said...

Good day to you Mr Syed..

As we all know, the British ruling in India does have a great impact in our history. The British saw the caste system as an indicator of their background and social status. What causes conflicts was when the British tried to synchronize British class system into Indian caste system. While the British East India Company Rule was rather new, castes priorities and customs were valid. However the British law courts disagreed with the way they discriminate human rights who belongs to the lower castes. Thus, it contributed to the internal threats that mainly; tribals have against the British Rule;(to name a few) ie Bhil rebellion 1822-1857, First Freedom Struggle 1856-57.

Despite that, some rural areas and small town the caste system is still very inflexible and it is a big factor in the politics.

The caste-based in Indian have led to a spread of protests. The Indian even have an anti-reservation protests.

That's my input. Thank you for your time.

Siti Farhanah (15)
1A3 :P

Anonymous said...

My first time to have a comment here.
The Internal Threats like: Natural Disasters and Civil Wars, may also have happen in many places.e.g. earthquakes can result in tsunamis, drought can lead directly to famines and diseases.
All after the disasters, they have suffered for not having water and food which their goverments had control that.

Mr.Syed sorry for putting such a lousy comment, as it is my first time.
Wish you don't mind that.

Audrey Sim(14)

Anonymous said...


Interal Threats refer to possible danger that come from within a kingdom or empire.It could form natural disaster.India disaster is floods.The flood destory crop and houses and kill many people and animals.The china natural disaster is the floods.It is same as the India.It also kill a lot of people and animals.

I gtg(got to go) now bb
Roy Chua