Monday, July 28, 2008

History Common Test - 04 Aug 2008 (Mon)

Hi students,

For this Monday's common test, you will be tested on Chapter 7: Scientific & Artistic Achievements (Textbook pages 101 - 113).

The test paper will have 4 sections (Total: 30 marks):
1. Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks)
2. Fill-in-the-Blanks (10 marks)
3. Short Answer Questions (6 marks)
4. Source-Based Questions (4 marks)

Please memorise all the details on your History textbook (pages 101 - 113), History notebook and mindmap.

Like I say to all of you, the test paper will be quite easy if you revise :) So better study hard and score an A for History!

Best of luck,
Mr Syed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Mr Syed,
How have you been all this while?
By the way, thanks for the updates regarding common tests.
thanks again