Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fresco Paintings

Hi students,

Kian Hong (1E1) asked me what Fresco paintings are? This is for the benefit of everyone who are interested...

Fresco painting is a type of painting that is plastered on walls and ceilings. For example on the walls of the Ajanta Caves.

The fresco on the ceilings and walls of the
Ajanta Caves were painted between c. 200 BCE and 600. Like I taught all of you in class, the Ajanta caves is influenced by Buddhism greatly. They depict the Jataka tales which are stories of the Buddha's life in their former existences as Bodhisattva.
An example of Fresco painting in the 6th century.

Happy reading,
Mr Syed


Anonymous said...

Hi there Mr Syed,
how have you been?
well i am interested to know more about the 'Fresco paintings'.
by the way:
1)you wore some excellent traditional clothes today.
2)when is the next history remedial?
i would be glad to come.
greendale secondary school

Anonymous said...

Mr syed i still dun understand what is it can u explian it to me?


Anonymous said...

Hi Eugene & Kush,

Thanks for dropping by and posting a comment. It's nice to hear from both of you.

Regarding the fresco paintings, Kian Hong from 1E1 asked me to explain what the paintings are?

It is basically nice paintings that are plastered on the walls of the Ajanta caves. These paintings can be seen in your textbook pages 104-105. These paintings depict (show) the life of Buddha since Buddhism was a great influence at that time.

I am sure it is clearer now :)

For Kush, History remedial will be on Monday, every even week. So there will be remedial on 28th July 2008.

Mr Syed