I'm grateful to meet a lot of wonderful students... and i appreciate all the hard work and effort that you've put in for History... When i first joined Greendale in Feb 2008, i didn't know what to expect... soon things happened and i start to form great bonds with my classes... throughout these ten weeks, i've had tears and laughter... had joy in my heart as well as sadness... i've learnt a lot as well as inspired by many of you... thank you for letting me into your lives...and sharing a part of mine...
To my dear students, cum the 9th of May, it is time for me to say goodbye... to sail away for a while... i'm sorry that I can't promise you whether I am coming back or not.. all I can say, is for us to hope for the best. but whatever the case; please know that you are all very dear to me, and i wish each and every one of you all the best. Some of you have asked me for my contact details; I'm not able to give it to you however we can still contact each other through this blogspot... :)
My hope is that you would go to sleep every night feeling the joy and peace in your heart and wake up every day with a smile... life is not always a rainbow, but please try to stay positive and make it work... always find the simple little joy in life to bring you smile and keep you going...
To 1E3 - please be a good class to all your teachers. It's been my pleasure being your co-form teacher. Study hard because I believe that 1E3 can do much better if you start focussing more on your studies. To the boys in the class, do not cause too much trouble and try not to disrupt the class while the teacher is teaching :)
To 1A2 - hmmm, what can I say... haha.. although at first I had problems with 1A2, now I've started to love teaching the class so much... The sad thing is only when I'm falling in love with the class, my time is up and I have to leave all of you :( Keep working hard because I believe 1A2 can be the best class in the Normal Academic stream..
To 1A4 - thank you so much for bearing with my silliness all this time... i hope i've made your day a little brighter whenever I raise my voice in the class... and of course no matter what the other teachers say, I will always remember 1A4 for being an angelic class :)
As i am ending this posting, i'm already missing all of you dearly... until we do crosspath again, please take good care... love you all... and all the best wishes for the rest of your Mid-Year exams!!

Mr Syed
Hi Mr Syed,
how have you been?
i really want to THANK YOU for the MESSAGE that you posted recently.
i hope you can tell me your E-MAIL ADDRESS tmrw in SCHOOL.
Got to go now,Bye!
Hi Mr Syed,
how have you been?
i think you should know that you are the B.E.S.T. teacher ever in y whole entire life.
With lots of respect,
hi mr syed,
how are u?
just to tell u that...i like your history lesson now..other than giving mr cheang to teach..because his lesson is really boring.he did not explain well and just let us do with no understanding..so i hope u can teach history next year 2009.
as well as i will try my best to do during end-year examination..happy day mr syed!!!
oopes sorry just now..i didnt write my name during my previous message to u...so my name is......
jermaine tan(9)
greendale seconday school love you.so please dont go!!
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