To 1E1, here's the picture that you guys wanted :) It's not very clear though...
Thinking about it, i kinda missed your class constant chattering only to be broken my stern SILENCE!!!!
Hope to teach you guys again next year!
To 1E1, here's the picture that you guys wanted :) It's not very clear though...
Thinking about it, i kinda missed your class constant chattering only to be broken my stern SILENCE!!!!
Hope to teach you guys again next year!
Oops, don't get me wrong! It's not that 2E4 has not done anything! In fact, some groups in 2E4 have done so much more except that my camera always fails me whenever I try to take a snapshot of them (",)
On another note, I'm already missing some of the student councillors who had been attached to other schools. Nonetheless, it's great to have new students in the class as well! A huge shout-out to Isaac (2E1), Aneesa (2E1), Zainab (2E4) & Wei Jie (2E4). Welcome to Greendale!!!
Mr Syed
Well.... Just so you'd know, this is our excavation site - it is here where we communicate, share our ideas and thoughts about the past.
It is here that we revisit the past as well as put on our thinking cap to assess every single of our actions - to determine whether Man has learn from their mistakes?